Our design office develops, designs and manufactures tailor-made electronic systems and sub-assemblies
MID-Electronics capabilities are developing, designing, and manufacturing custom electronic systems and subsystems.
The process involves several steps:
1 – Definition/Study of the Specifications
Study and Study of the Specifications by a design office The initial phase involves studying and defining the specifications either by MID-Electronique’s technical services or based on the client’s specifications.
2 – Proposal of a Technical Solution
MID-Electronics proposes a technical solution that includes various elements such as technology used, obsolescence treatment aspects, required hardware tools, regulatory and safety aspects, etc.
3 – Project Presentation
The entire project is presented, including potential elements not covered or variable in the initial specifications.
4 – Prototype Development
Technical services create a prototype in accordance with the finalized specifications.
5 – Testing Phase
A testing phase, usually lasting one month, is implemented to ensure the product meets all specified requirements.
6 – Serial Production – Optional
If needed, serial production begins after the testing phase, and the prototype is approved by the client’s technical services.